About Mel on The Go

About Mel on the Go

About Mel on the Go

Hi! I am Melinda, aka Mel, and I live on a sailboat with my husband Brian and our cat Domino. So I am always on the go! Both Brian and I are sailors, cyclists, scuba divers, and hikers, and we are always willing to try new activities.

I started this blog nearly seven years ago, in 2016, when I went on my first solo trip. I left a career after 20 years and decided to take a break and explore the world, learn new things, and improve myself.

In 2018, Brian and I bought our first sailboat and moved on board. Since early 2019, we’ve been living aboard and sailing full-time and we recently bought a new boat, a catamaran! Our first boat, Sava, is for sale if you’re looking for a change.

This blog is a personal travel blog, and this is its history. Everything I write and every place I write about I have experienced and visited. Sometimes I will talk about places I’ve visited without a lot of details, so please reach out if you want more information! Post a comment or write me directly.

Living in Utila, Honduras for scuba training

Transiting the Panama Canal by Sailboat

Touring Munich Beer Halls

Touring Hiva Oa French Polynesia

Sailing from New Zealand to Australia

Off Road Driving in Iceland

Exploring the South Side of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos

Posing among lines and fenders for the Panama Canal
Brian and I posing among our lines and fenders before transiting the Panama Canal

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Read About Sailing Jargon

Not an expert sailor? Me either but I’m getting better! Brush up on your sailing jargon.

Questions About Mel on the Go?

Is there anything you’d like to know about Mel on the Go? Let me know in the comments and I will try to answer.

2 thoughts on “About Mel on The Go”

  1. Hi Mel. I enjoyed your article on your panama canal transit. I’m hoping to join a trip through as a linehandler in mid September. Do you have any tips for how to contact sailors looking for crew? Thanks, Bob Levit

    1. Hi Bob, Thanks for reading. There are always boats looking for linehandlers through the canal. If you’re in Panama, post a notice on the board at Shelter Bay Marina (for boats going west). Otherwise, if you have a Facebook account, you can post on one of the many groups for cruisers: Panama Cruisers, Linton Bay cruisers are a couple. Good luck and have fun!

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