Don’t trust the bitch at Hotel Europeo

pool at hotel don't trust the bitch at Hotel Europea

I put my trust in the wrong person and I got fooled yesterday.  I am angry at myself for falling for her scam but you can learn from me. Don’t stay there if you go to Managua, Nicaragua, and definitely don’t trust the bitch at Hotel Europeo.

Angry at Myself

First, don’t worry about me. I am fine and only out $80 so you don’t need to start crowd funding.  I am merely upset with myself for not being smarter plus angry at the hotel and their unethical receptionist.

Transport options

In advance of my arrival in Nicaragua, I did some research on transport from Managua to San Juan del Sur, where my Spanish school is. I emailed both the school and my hotel in Managua enquiries about options. I ultimately went with the school’s taxi as it was a better price and I figured he knows the destination. And I emailed the hotel that I didn’t need their transport.

The hotel receptionist helped me get taxis for my excursions into Managua on Saturday and was generally very nice so this is probably why I thought I could trust her. She asked if I was good for transport to San Juan del Sur and I assured her I was. When she asked when the taxi was picking me up, I told her 1230p tomorrow and that’s when she put her evil plan into operation. Read on and don’t trust the bitch at Hotel Europeo.

Don’t Trust the Bitch at Hotel Europeo

Check out time is 12noon so when I checked out on Sunday the receptionist told me my taxi was already there early. I was surprised but figured the guy just got here from San Juan del Sur fast. With hindsight I should have questioned the driver but I honestly didn’t think the receptionist would call another driver to pick me up a half hour early and lie to both of us, but that is precisely what she did.

The cab driver was very nice and chatty and about 20 minutes into the trip asked me what I was doing in Nicaragua.  I realized then that this was not my cab and the receptionist was an unethical cow. She scammed me and both cab drivers. It was too late to go back to the hotel because they would send the real taxi away before we arrived so I had to sit there for 2 hours punishing myself for my gullibility. I still didn’t have a sim card so couldn’t call or email the school either.

Managua to San Juan del Sur taxi ride screwed because of bitch at Hotel Europea
Managua to San Juan del Sur
Arrival in SJDS

When we got to the school – fast, easy trip, good roads, just over 2 hours, just me beating myself up mentally the entire time- the owner was waiting for me. I immediately told her “The receptionist at the hotel tricked me and ordered her own taxi and I don’t even think he (meaning the driver who had just dropped me there) knows.”

She helped me communicate with him and we got the whole story. The receptionist called on Saturday just after talking to me and ordered the taxi for 12pm Sunday.  The driver thought is was totally legit. He also thought I was going to pay him $120!! I had negotiated $80 with the school so I gave him $80 and told him to get the rest from the lying receptionist. You can imagine my anger as I still need to pay the real cab driver who had driven to San Juan del Sur only to find me missing.

Learn From My Mistake

Mistakes made. Time to move on. I wish I had gotten her name and a photo! Moving forward I am taking names of everyone I deal with, and I will ask many more questions. If I had just asked the driver where in San Juan del Sur or how much I would have known he wasn’t my driver.

I emailed the hotel and am just getting lies in response. First she said it was a confusion. Then that she thought I arranged the taxi with my airport driver. I told her the driver told us she called him and ordered the taxi. I also asked for them to transfer $80 via PayPal. they didn’t. and said not to worry because my TripAdvisor review was pending. The nerve!

Regardless of if they pay me or not, the hotel hires scumbags and I will never recommend this hotel. It boggles me that she would shit all over a customer just to get whatever commission for a cab fare. She must be very secure in her job!

Hopefully I have learned my lesson. The trip itself has already improved! I am in a beach bar in San Juan del Sur. The sea breeze and a beer are keeping me cool. I’ll take it.

Don’t ever stay at Hotel Europeo in Managua and tell your friends! Hopefully she doesn’t work there anymore because don’t trust the bitch receptionist at Hotel Europeo. At best she is a liar.

Author: Mel

Living aboard a sailboat, blogging about the places we visit and the adventures we have. Love hiking, cycling, scuba, animals and adventure.

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